The Editors' Choice Awards
The Absolute Sound Issue 175

"Unique in the seamlessness in the top-to-bottom sound and in coherency . . . Exceeding low distortion. . .A REFERENCE"
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The Absolute Sound - Issue 167
"After intensive listening sessions, compressed into less time than I'd have liked, I am convinced that THE KINGS (Version 2) are the superior of virtually every enclosure-type speaker with which I've had experience."
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The Golden Ear Award
The Absolute Sound Issue 173

". . .it's overall coherency and lack of colorations... A REFERENCE, and that's all there is to that."
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Audiophilia - September, 2005
"I recommend the Hansen Audio - THE KING Loudspeaker most highly. They are artistic and technological marvels."
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The Inner Ear - Volume 17,Issue #1
"The loudspeakers are simply great - we loved them. Go get a pair!"
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"The level of realism is shocking. These speakers just disappear leaving a full deep bass, an enormous dynamic range with plenty of air"
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Stereophile CES 2009
"Superbly natural"
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The Absolute Sound - Issue 168
"The KINGS certainly set a new standard for vanishing low colouration from a moving coil design of my experience. As such, let us who love the music get closer to the truth."
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HP's Editors' Choice Awards
The Absolute Sound Issue 185

"In virtually all respects, an electrifying design"
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Stan Ricker - 2009
"Great Sonic Engineering"
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The Audiophile Voice - Volume 10, Issue 6
"The overall performance was fast, effortless, and focused, making for a remarkably non-fatiguing presentation"
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Stereophile CES 2011
"Very Lifelike ... Effortless"
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Absolute Sound CES 2011
"Great Sound...phenomenal"
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